Reader - traducción al español
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Reader - traducción al español

Readers; Reader (book); Reader (disambiguation)

lector [Noun]
libro de lectura [Noun]


¦ noun
1. a person who reads.
2. a person who reports to a publisher on the merits of manuscripts submitted for publication.
3. (Reader) Brit. a university lecturer of the highest grade below professor.
4. short for lay reader.
5. a book containing extracts of a text or texts for teaching purposes.
6. a device that produces on a screen a readable image from a microfiche or microfilm.
readerly adjective



A reader is a person who reads. It may also refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Reader
1. reader.
How Blind Users Experience Youtube _ Victor Tsaran _ Talks at Google
2. reader.
Writing Queer Comics for Teens _ Mike Curato _ Talks at Google
3. reader.
The Magicians Trilogy _ Lev Grossman _ Talks at Google
4. And then my reader, another reader,
Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking _ Maangchi _ Talks at Google
5. "Reader" is launching Reader Media Group.
Pioneering Change in The LGBT Chicago Community _ Tracy Baim _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Reader
1. The Mother–tongue Reader became the Japanese Reader.
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